7 Easy Steps To Affiliate Marketing |
Network and Internet marketing kind of tie together with MLM. In a sense that you must use the internet and networking skills to find potential prospects via social networks, blogs and forums. You can make some serious money once you get heavy into network marketing in conjunction with MLM. Like they say "it takes money to make money" Your marketing budget will heavily determine how many and the quality of leads you will begin to attract. Hence the term attraction marketing. As your knowledge begins to grow along with the # of times your followers are seeing you certain places like social media sites, blogs and other public events will determine your reputation and credibility. As you continue to grow through the ropes you can monetize your sites and blogs while funneling potential prospects to your business. Hence the term affiliate marketing.
Affiliate marketing is used alot in the starting stages of people's MLM businesses and websites. It is so easy that you do not have to market or make your own product you can simply market someone elses product or service. This tactic helped me to generate over $1800 in less than a month promoting The Tweet Tank when it first came out. (Twitter Automator Software).
The tactics I used during that about 24 day period was as follows.
1. The Tweet Tank - The same software I was promoting I used to generate leads via Twitter.
2. Blasted my list- I blasted my list twice a week showing them the results that I was receiving with this software.
3. Writing articles- The Info Mine is a revenue sharing site and you can post articles there and you used to be able to reference to your site, but not anymore. But it still pays pretty good with Adsense.
4. Blogging - Blogging is becoming a very powerful tool and has been powerful just that now more people are realizing it. Google loves fresh content and if you provide it they will send the traffic.
5. PPC- Of course without FaceBook and Adwords my # would not have been possible but keep in mind I only spent about $80 to market this product and got over 67 leads. Yea I had Adwords down until I got the Google slap. But thats ok Google I still heart you. Well kind of lol
Well I hope this has given you a basic idea of what affiliate marketing is about and when to use it. Or at least an overview. Feel free to leave comments and feedback below I have included a link to your very own download to 7 easy steps to affiliate marketing just for reading this article.
Very useful for me like JAVA knowledge :)