Maybe you have seen my video on how to make some money online with CPA leads great website that actually lets you get paid per action. For promoting and having people take surveys from your site, blog or social network you can even use pay-per click advertising and optimize your efforts with these tactics. You can find low mobile targeted visitors through various sites and get some $0.01 cent clicks and then for example if you are paid $1.73 per action like someone taking a survey or downloading a game, you can get about 173 clicks before you need just on person to download or take your survey or play your game.
I have given some examples of how I have utilized the social networking tactics and made a few cents literally. But I am going to in the very near future release some videos of me using ninja tactics while monetizing my opt-in list immediatly after they opt-in. You can actually make your money for marketing while gaining free leads if you play your cards right.
So yeah get this right , you get penny opt-ins and monetize your campaigns so that you can get some or all of your money back from cost per action sites. Watch this video and get some of the insights on this very tactic that could make you some bucks. I am in the process of creating a price tag for this ninja tactic video series. Make an offer and dont miss the below video haha.
Jermaine Steele
I came across a WSO on the Warrior Forum that talked about a way to make money with CPA networks. I may pick it up, and then discuss it with you next time we speak.